Interfaith Action Annual Report
Piloted a summer youth interfaith leadership program and organized two high school interfaith leaders clubs.
Co-Hosted with ALPACT two general community forums on racism and four sectoral sessions on health, public education, higher education and law enforcement on the topic: “racism, justice, where do we go from here?”
Published a Voting Guide to assist individuals in making faith based choices for the November elections.
Sponsored one candidates’ forum and distributed and compiled policy surveys on candidates for US Senate, US House, and for the State House
Coordinated pandemic relief drive for persons in poverty.
Developed 8 week Prayers of Hope series at the onset of the pandemic
Dignity of All
Engaged in efforts to pass or expand non discrimination ordinances in Niles, Three Oaks, Douglas, Chikaming Township and South Haven.
Hosted a Faith and Pride event to focus on LGBTQ+ experiences with the church.
Provided guidance to three churches in developing inclusive All Are Welcome policies.
Distributed 22 All Are Welcome posters
Donated grocery supplies to The Avenue
Hosted two virtual anti-racist film screening and discussion events, 13th and Just Mercy
Signed on to Fair and Equal Michigan Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act petition and Congress Resolution to prevent/condemn anti-Asian sentiment.
Signed on to a variety of Faithful America protest statements about discriminatory statements by religious leaders.
Gun Violence
Organized efforts to defeat a Berrien County Gun Sanctuary Resolution. Hosted showing of “The Gun Show” performance with sold out attendance.
Developed a worship resource packet for Gun Violence Reduction services and, through a quilting group, provided 15 orange liturgical stoles and “no gun” door decals.
Letter to editor sent by Vicki Schroeder and Dr Kelly Huggett on gun violence and children’s health.
Opposed guns in the State Capitol.
Hosted a program on refugees at the Lincoln Township Public Library featuring presenters from Bethany Christian Services and a Muslim refugee.
Hosted a program on the theology of migration with a keynote from Clark Gilpin and respondents from Christian, Jewish and Muslim perspectives.
Hosted a book study discussion of Lost Children Archive, facilitated by Tatiana Reinosa on the issue of migrant children.
Served as conduit for ELCA pandemic relief contributions to 4 migrant organizations.
Held a Celebration of the Harvest service with presentations on dangers to global harvests, local harvests and the rights of migrant workers. Thirteen congregations served as drop off sites for donations of foodstuffs and toiletries for migrant workers and farmers in poverty (more than 1000 pounds of rice and beans were collected).
Signed on to advocacy initiatives around asylum protections, DACA, Muslims in detention and unaccompanied immigrant children.
Submitted letter to editor on behalf of Tatiana Reinosa regarding unaccompanied child migrants.
Green Faith
Signed on to We Are Still In and the December Climate Statement
Created and distributed “Green Faith Community” checklists and have awarded one designation to Coloma UCC
Distributed an Earth Day Climate Change Resource List
Two working group members were accredited as climate change advocates.
Helped to co-host a Service of Grief for the Earth
Recruited and convened first Board of Directors
Established online giving capacity
Finalized IRS status and State of Michigan status
Secured 5 front cover stories at The Herald Palladium.
Hosted a north area retreat for Van Buren and Allegan counties
Hosted meetings in St Joseph County
Held three denominational focus groups
2020 Annual Report - PDF download
2019 Annual Report - PDF download